Khamis, 1 Januari 2009

Puak Rawo / Rawa / Rao di Negeri Terengganu.

Puak Rawo / Rawa / Rao di Negeri Terengganu.

Bismillahhi RahmanirRahim.

Kemajlis En.Tahiruddin Ahmad.

Assalam mualaiikum wmt.wbt.

Izinkan saya memperkenalkan diri saya.

Nama – Haji Mohd Ali bin Mahari.
Umur - 61 tahun./ lahir pada 17 Mei 1947 bersama’an 16 Jamadul’akhir 1366 Hijrah.
Alamat – Lot 1304 Kg. Pengkalan Kuin, 21600 MARANG, Terengganu D.I.
Talipon – 019-9578463 / 09-6185067.

Berkeluarga –

Isteri – Hjh. Hasiah bt. Jusoh ( 56 ) – Suri Rumah.
Engku Aishah bt. Abdullah ( 42 ) – Pegawai Teknologi Maklumat.
Anakanak – 7 lelaki & 5 perempuan.

Razol Mahari bin Hj. Mohd Ali – Pensyarah UTP – Tronoh / Perak. Kediaman di Simpang Pulai.
Isteri Dr.Murni Melati - ___________ do ____________
Anakanak – 3 lelaki - Haziq Mahari / Nabil Mahari / Uqay Mahari.

Azrol Mahari bin Hj. Mohd Ali – Mechanic di Rapid KL.

Zarol Mahari bin Hj. Mohd Ali – Piping Inspector di Sime Sembawang. Taman Kobena JB.
Isteri Roseshazila - Pegawai Assesmen _____________ do ______________
Anak – Muhamad Rayyan Mahari.

Rizal Mahari bin Hj. Mohd Ali – Berniaga.
Azril Mahari bin Hj. Mohd Ali – Pelatih Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia.
Zaril Mahari bin Hj. Mohd Ali – Penuntut di Politeknik Sultan Idris Shah, Selangor.
NurAmmarah bt. Abdullah - Pelajar.
Siti Khatijah bt. Hj. Mohd Ali - Pelajar.
Siti Zahidah bt. Hj. Mohd Ali - Pelajar.
Siti Hanisah bt Hj. Mohd Ali - Pelajar.
Razin Mahari bin Hj. Mohd Ali - Pelajar.
Siti Mahfuzah bt. Hj. Mohd Ali - Pelajar.

Omar Mahari bin Andre @ Aman – Penuntut.

Saya adalah generasi ke5 dari keturunan Panglima Omar dari Padang Matinggi, Rawo.

Below info was supplied by Haji Asrul Dahari as taken from the unfinish Memoirs of Dahari Haji Mohd Ali ( 1st.MP for Kuala Selangor ) / supported by me, Haji Mohd Ali 2, who used to hear this from my father Mahari, the elder brother of Dahari.

Our family came to Malaya about 40 years after Tuanku Imam Perang Bonjol has been defeated by the Dutch in 1838, i.e about 1878, about 130 years ago....The war with the Dutch began in 1821 was called Padre War ( Perang Paderi ). I am Haji Asrul e-mail, Haji Ali e-mail -, is my first cousin. Allow me to pen down our family history / tree (one that I know). Shaari bin Haji Mohd Ali, (no children, adopted is Rohani, in Simpang Pulai, Perak); Mahari bin Haji Mohd Ali (Haji Ali's father), Hawalniah bt.Haji Mohd Ali ( Bang Ha's mother- his children emails are the last four above ie, Mohd Shah, Hafiz, Yati and Eda), and Mohamed Dahari bin Haji Mohd Ali (my father), Continuing Haji Mohd Ali's roots, Haji Mohd Ali bin Haji Mohd Yassin bin Panglima Omar. (Addition) - Haji Mohd Yassin’s other siblings are Haji Mohamed and Hajjah Rogayah. When PanglimaOmar was killed in the Selangor Civil War, his wife ( name not known ) and children ( 3 of them ) were taken to Makkah. After several years there, Panglima Omar's wife died. In Makkah Hajjah Rogayah married a Rawo ( correct spelling in Indonesian Map is Rao, as highlighted by Lee ) and return to Rawo. Haji Mohamed and Haji Mohd Yassin came back to Malaya. Haji Mohd Ali’s youngest brother is Buyong Kahar, Md.Zain's father ( his legal name is Mohd Ramli ).Md.Zain is OUR UNCLE ( Pak Sepupu ) and our link to Haji Mohd Yassin’s roots. Haji Mohd Ali's nephews and nieces are based in Batu Tiga, Temoh, Tapah, Perak. Haji Mohd Ali's wife - Hajjah Aliyah bt. Haji Mohd Nor not Haji Mohd Basir. Haji Mohd Basir is Hajjah Aliyah's grandfather. Haji Mohd Nor bin Haji Mohd Basir. Haji Mohd Basir's wife is Hajjah Siti Aminah ( both were from Padang Matinggi ) - parents of Hajjah Sawiyah (different person because Hajjah Aliyah's mother' s name is Hajjah Siti Sawiyah bt. Omar, also different Omar ), wife of Haji Mohd Yassin. Haji Mohd Yassin and Hajjah Sawiyah were married in Selama, Perak. When Haji Mohd Ali and his sister were born, they migrated to Tanjong Rambutan. Haji Abdul Malik or popularly known as Haji Melaka of Gopeng, is the only brother of Hajjah Siti Aminah. He was called Haji Melaka because he came from Rawo through Malacca. He was the only one who kept in contact with the motherland. Hajjah Aliyah's mother, Siti Sawiyah remarried to Haji Mohd Saman. Her sisters and brother that I know of :1. Rokiah bt. Haji Mohd Saman ( mother of Hasnah bt. Yunus- Mahari's second wife ) Datuk Ahmad bin Yunus ( former State Secretary of Perak ), Tan Sri Mahmood bin Yunus ( former Deputy IGP ) and Idris bin Yunus ( former Headmaster in Taiping ) - all deceased. 2. Shamsuddin bin Haji Mohd Saman ( Haji Abdul Manan Manap's grandfather - mother's side) - father of Maznah, Halimah, Yaakob, Sawiyah, Azlan, Azmi, Azri and Norasyikin. 3. Saadiah bt. Haji Mohd Saman ( Saadiah's daugther, Samiyah, is Buyong Kahar's wife, Md.Zain's parents) - mother of Samiyah, Kamariah ( Masri & Wak's mother); Juwiyah (Mak Su Ju wife of Kg. Sengat’s known figure, Pak Su Doreh [Idris]). 4. Amnah @ Maimunah bt. Haji Mohd Saman ( my grandmother- mother side) One of their sister, whose name I can't recall died young. Her children are, Pak Tua Ahmad, the eldest of all the cousins. I had the opportunity to visit him on several occasion in Selama, Perak,( His eldest daugther is Kak Tupin, Kak Tan is in Selama and Bang Baha is Kg.Medan, Old Klang Road. His other son, I have forgetten his name); Pak Ya ( Yahya, Baling, Kedah ), His daughter, Mariam married to Bang Suman ( Zain's eldest brother ), Pak Hassan’s ( children are based in Taman Datuk Harun, Old Klang Road, our link is his son Yaakob ) and most popular and well-known, Pak Nasir, Lawan Kuda, Gopeng) / My mother Hjh. Nor Khadijah and my father are cousins. Manan's ( nickname Jan) mother, Maznah bt.Shamsuddin and his father Abdul Manap are also cousins. Abdul Manap and NorKhadijah are children of Amnah. Amnah's other children are: the youngest, Noor Zaiton ( Her only child is Haslinda ), Abdul Khalil ( based in Seremban ) and the third Abdul Malek ( Rostam father. His brother and sisters are Roszila, Rosli, Liza, Rosie, Mala and Nani ). Their parents were killed in a road accident in Gopeng Town,on the 2nd. day of Hari Raya many, many years back,when Rozsila was about 17-18 years old and Nani was about 4-5 years old. Rostam was in primary school then. A big test for all of us./ Another test that our family faced was the demise of our cousin, Andre@Aman Mahari, Haji Ali's youngest brother, in a plane crash ( Porter Pilutus ) on the Subang Airport Highway some 19 years ago ( to be exact – 17th.May 1989 / birthday of Haji Mohd Ali ). Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas mereka and mereka2 yang mendahului kita semua. Amin....

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